Hey, I will be updating this page with various links, some more related to the subject than others. Keep an eye on.
Urbex Friends
My soulmate and partner Argyro is behind this webpage: https://urbextorch.wordpress.com/
My friend Ceiran from Peterborough, UK owns this great YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/AbandonedCityCamoCrewExplorers
My friend Anna from Volos, GR runs this IG account https://www.instagram.com/annamaria.kz/
The one and only ”Abandoned Berlin” by Ciaran, the rest are imitations https://www.abandonedberlin.com/
Urbex Books
Access All Areas: A User’s Guide to the Art of Urban Exploration by Ninjalicious (RIP bruv)
Hidden Cities: My Journey into the Secret World of Urban Exploration by Moses Gates
Soviet Ghosts: The Soviet Union Abandoned: A Communist Empire in Decay by Rebecca Litchfield
Beauty in Decay by RomanyWG
Beauty in Decay II by RomanyWG
Derelict London by Paul Talling
Abandoned Places: 60 stories of places where time stopped by Richard Happer